In the Saddle with the Race Commissioner

Geisha Cerise ABC - Awesome Breed Creations Race Commissioner
Geisha Cerise ABC Race Commissioner

You might ask yourself, what do I do with this GQL (genetic qualifying level) 2 or 3 horse?  Try to race it should be your answer!

Are you new to ABC breeding?  Have you gotten a horse that is a QL level 2, 3 or 4?  Do you think this horse is only good for CR points?  Some would say yes, but I have to say you are in some cases, wrong.  ABC has race events have races just for those lower QL level horses.  You could have yourself a winner!

Use this time to test out your horses on the track in the lower qualifying levels.  Why?  Because the cost of lower races is less than the higher QL’s meaning you can run more horses for the same or lesser cost to you.  You can run several lower QL races for the same price as one QL6.  If you have a winner, you have a winner, it doesn’t matter the qualifying level.

The lower QL race horses are typically easier to control, so new jockeys would have an easier time learning the ropes of getting around the track.  Easier to control means a couple of things.  One of these things is that your computer has an easier time processing all of the information it gets during racing.  For those that have computers on the lower end of Second Life’s recommended settings, lower QL horses would be advantageous for you!  Also, lag, also what we at ABC call personal or Sim weather, will be lesser at the lower speeds.  The other being, it’s easier to make corrections and get through traffic moving at a slower pace.

Learning how to maneuver the horses takes lots of practice and is much easier to do with the lower QL horses that move a bit slower than the upper QL horses.  I highly suggest, if you haven’t already, attend Hands On Classes (times of classes are on our website calendar  They are very helpful with information and most important… PRACTICE!  Don’t worry if you do not have horses to use, we have horses you can borrow, or there are other horse owners here that will let you borrow theirs.

See you at the races!

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