Congratulations Zillah Drake Winner of the ABC Create A Pony Contest – Ghillie Dhu!

Zillah has won the grand prize of 15,000Ls and 200 Quest Coins for the following:

BREED: New_Forest_Pony
COAT: Dark Forest Magic
MANE: Running Braid
FACE: Star Right Blaze
LEG: Classic_Sock
EYE: Leaves — Nov

ONLY 1 Winner for Lvl 5, but you can still submit for the lower levels!


✪ Anyone can complete Levels 1-4 (this is not repeatable). Only 1 Winner for Level 5 and the quest will be over.
✪ To receive credit you must file a ticket with your Pony ID and which level you are trying to complete.
✪ No Pets.
✪ If there are multiples entries for Level 5, the deciding factor will be the time stamp on the ticket and Pony ID.
✪ Contest will run until someone wins with all traits in the pony.

LvL 1 Breed, Coat, + One Trait-Badge
LvL 2 Breed, Coat, + Two Traits-Badge
LvL 3 Breed, Coat, + Three Traits-Badge & 10 coins
LvL 4 Breed, Coat, + Four Traits-Badge & 20 coins

Make sure to submit a ticket for the lower levels! New contests will be coming soon!

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