Auction Rules & Applications

In order to enter your ABC Horse/Breedable in an Authorized ABC Auction you must read the Terms/Guidelines and fill out a Horse/Breedable Registration Form.

• The Registration Form needs be filled out and submitted online within 2 hours prior to the auction time you are targeting.

• Choose a 2nd and 3rd option for auction time slots, in the event the time chosen is unavailable.

• Indicate a Starting Bid or a Reserve Price on the registration form. This serves as your approval of sale at the starting bid set or reserve price met. If you do not choose a starting bid or reserve price, the starting bid will default to the stated minimum bid of the auction house you are registering at.

• Your horse needs to be at least 3 days old or foals (under 3 days old) must have a nursing kit provided by the seller if it sells. The Mare does not go with the foal as part of the sale.

• You may register a Mare that is pregnant or has a foal under 3 days old. The selling price should only reflect the value of the mare. The foal can go with the mother, but is not part of the sale.

• One of our Auction Team members will verify that this is a fair starting bid/reserve price. This is not to control the market but to make sure that you are aware what the market reports are suggesting.

• All horses will sell at Starting Bid or meet the Reserve Price or be a “NO SALE”.

• The Auction Location Terms/Guidelines DO NOT allow “Starting Bid Dropping” during the auction.

• The final call on a “NO SALE” falls to the Auctioneer’s discretion.

• NO swapping of horses/Breedables in an auction once they have been submitted to the Auction Location.

• If you have a RL emergency you may use a proxy to sell your horse. This use of a proxy should be rare. Abuse of this courtesy can lead to loss of auction privileges.

• Removing a breedable out of an auction requires a 4 hour notice to allow ABC and the Auction Location time to offer the time slot to another seller and adjust the Auction Location program information.

• The Stall/Podium Registration Fees will be set by the Auction House.

• Sellers are responsible for paying a 10% fee of the final sold price to the Auction Location. These fees are due and payable immediately after the sale is complete and before the seller/broker/representative leave the Auction Venue.

• The Seller/Broker/Representative must be onsite during the auction to complete Auction Location payments and collecting/transferring breedable to the Buyer.

• Neither ABC nor the Auction Location is responsible for your breedable or the financial transactions. That is the sole responsibility of the Seller/Representative.

• Anyone who consistently does not adhere to these simple rules will not be allowed to auction their breedables either on a suspension or permanent basis.

• In the event that these terms/guidelines are not followed you risk loosing your privileges in selling or any activity involving ABC Auctions suspended or permanently removed.

• In the spirit of fair play we encourage principled and honorable conduct within the guideline of the Auction House rules, Auction House Owner Code of Ethics, and general camaraderie of the ABC community.

Any unprincipled or unscrupulous conduct by patrons at any ABC Auction, as determined by ABC Management, will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action by the auction houses and/or ABC – Awesome Breed Creations.

Thank you for your interest in becoming an ABC Authorized Auction Location Operator. We are very excited about our new Breedables and want to have premier Auction Locations showcasing these amazing Breedables.

All applicants will need to meet certain requirements and follow the Guidelines put in place by ABC and its staff. If you feel that your Auction Location meets these requirements, please complete and submit the Auction Location Authorization Application Form.


• You will need to provide ABC a logo, Landmark, and slurl for your Auction Location.

• The venue can be any style but must have a designated place for an Auctioneer.

• Numbered podiums, stalls, or equivalents to place the breedables on for easy identification.

• Location for displaying Authorization or Licensing Documentation.

• All Authorized ABC Auction Locations will need to have a Licensed Auctioneer presiding over all Authorized Auctions. You can hire an in house or freelance Licensed ABC Auctioneer.

• All Authorized ABC Auction Locations will agree to sign and follow the “Auction House Owners Associations (AHOA) Code of Ethics”


• The Auction Location is responsible for providing a venue as described in the “Requirements” section of this document.

• The Auction Location Authorization certificate must be displayed on site at the venue.

• The Auction Locations Auctioneer License certificate needs to be displayed on site at the venue.

• Auction time slots will be determined by a lottery selection process based on your submitted choices.

• The Auction Location line up will be sent to the auction venue 2 hours prior to the auction time slot by a representative from the ABC Auction Team.

• The Auction Location needs to be familiar with the Auctioneers Guidelines to incorporate and make decisions for setting and managing their house rules.

• “Starting Bid Dropping” is not allowed during the auction.

• The Auction Location will provide a Breedable Spec Sheet that contains the information for each breedable in your Auction Line Up. The Spec Sheet is placed in a box/giver usually placed near the auctioneer. The Breedable Spec Sheet should NOT have the start bid/reserve price. The pricing needs to be removed, that information is for the Auction Location management and the Auctioneer only.

• ABC nor the Auction Location are responsible for the breedable possession transfer or the financial transactions. That is the sole responsibility of the Seller/Broker/Representative.

• The Auction Location will be responsible for sending ABC the auction sales results for the Market Reports and Website. This needs to be done within 2 hours of auction close.

• Sellers are responsible for paying a 10% fee of the final sold price to the Auction Location. These fees are due and payable immediately after the sale is complete and before the seller/broker/representative leave the Auction Venue.

• The Auction House is responsible for paying ABC a 40L$ service charge per podium at the end of each auction. This service charge is to cover the costs of the Auction Team.

• There is a limit of one horse per podium. The only exception is selling a Mare with its foal that is newborn to 3 days old.

• ABC is not responsible for unpaid fees, although this is a serious infraction against the Guidelines and there are consequences; please notify the Auction Team with the details of the Auction date/time/final sale price and any conversation documentation gathered.

• In the event that these guidelines are not followed you risk loosing your privileges as an Authorized Auction Location or any activity involving ABC Auctions suspended or permanently removed.

Prerequisites to owning an ABC Auction House

  • You will have owned ABC horses in the past 6 months.
  • You will be knowledgeable about the product, i.e. how the horses work, setting food, buying and selling horses, nursing kits, and other consumables.
  • You will watch and understand the Breed Logic videos on the ABC website, so you are able to answer questions regarding breeding. If you have any questions regarding the videos please file a ticket or talk to a VSR.
  • Have some knowledge regarding racing. You will need to take the jockey class to understand those procedures and what is a good race horse for each type of race. You should also attend a few races.
  • Know how auctions work. You must have an auctioneer license and auctioneer awhile before opening an auction house.
  • Be able to pronounce names of breeds, coats, eyes, manes, etc. Go to the ABC website under Traits to find the lists of breeds.
  • Be familiar with the ABC website and MyABC, so you are able to help others navigate. Especially understand the Auctions sections.
  • You will have maintained a mature level of behavior and conduct within the ABC Community before requesting an auction house.
  • There is no guarantee of acceptance. If you have any further questions please file a support ticket.

Thank you for your interest in becoming an ABC Licensed Auctioneer. We are very excited about our new Breedables and want to have premier Auction Locations and Auctioneer’s showcasing these amazing Breedables.

All applicants will need to meet certain requirements and follow the Guidelines put in place by ABC and its staff. To become a Licensed Auctioneer, please complete and submit the Auctioneer License Application located on our website.


• All Auctioneer applicants will need to attend an ABC approved Auction Licensing Class for introduction to the ABC Breedables.

• Licensed Auctioneers should be familiar with the ABC Auction Location Guidelines.

• During instruction you will be given the opportunity of conducting an auction in class for approval.

• Once you are licensed you will be eligible to preside over ABC Authorized Auction Location, either as an “in-house” Auctioneer or a “freelance” Auctioneer.


• As a licensed ABC Auctioneer you will need to familiarize yourself with the Auction Locations style of holding auctions and their regulations.

• Be onsite at least 1 hour before Auction starts to receive the line up of horses.

• Auctioneer will need to display their License at the Auction Location during the auction.

• The Auctioneer should negotiate their payment for conducting the Auction with the Auction House.

• Auctioneer will be asked to assist in collating the information for the Speck Sheet that is to be turned in to the ABC Auction Team.

• “Starting Bid/Reserve Bid Dropping” is not allowed during the auction.

• ABC is not responsible for unpaid fees, although this is a serious infraction against the Guidelines and there are consequences; please notify the Auction Team with the details of the Auction date/time/final sale price and any conversation documentation gathered.

• In the event that these guidelines are not followed you risk losing your privileges as a Licensed Auctioneer or any activity involving ABC Auctions suspended or permanently removed.