Alisha Zhong was chosen as the ABC Customer of the Month due to her kind and motivated personality. Her enthusiasm and encouragement in the ABC Community and around the grid has made her a shining star among her peers.
Although, Alisha is one of our newer community members, she is very active with the community and in the ABC Main Chat Group.
Her main focus is learning all about ABC and breeding. Everything she learns she is willing to pass along to others and help with their questions.
With Alisha’s optimistic outlook she is always looking for the next new feature, breed, or find new ways to combine them to get a unique look for a pony.
Congratulations Alisha… you are an inspiration among the ABC Community. ABeeseeuers, make sure to reach out to congratulate her!
Visit the ABC – Awesome Breed Creations for more information on our amazing Breedables in Second Life…