ABC Week of Events : Mule Fun Races


ABC celebrates the Crown Cups with a week of events ranging from BINGO to Fun Races to Concerts. Tonight was the Mule Fun Races… Ohhhhh what an amazing time everyone had! There were three mule fun race types, each with a different spin on the race. Everyone had uncontrollable laughter!

Winners fo the Mule Fun Races:

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

Joro Aya —-Sprint Mule Winner… the sprint was quick and had several heats. But Joro came out strong and crossed the finish line like a champ.

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

Temptress2310 Resident, Kazoo, Rockinghorse555 Resident — Mule Relay Team. In the spirit of the fun races, this team clearly had a plan that they laughed and joked all the way through!

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

Joro Aya —- Mule Demolition Derby Winner. jockeys were encouraged to use every dirty, sneaky, underhanded trick they can think of to win the race. Last jockey standings Joro!

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

Costume winners …… Anacharis Resident and cupcakepandagirl resident. Everyone put a great deal of effort into their costume choices! It was very hard for the judges to decide who would take home the title of best costume!

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

ABC – Awesome Breed Creations always pulls out all the stops for Crown Cup. The Summer Crown Cup is no different. There is an amazing concert planned by Elysium Cabaret for Wed July 13, 2016 @ 7p SLT. Elysium Cabaret is one of the premiere entertainment productions in Second Life.




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Infinity "Snow" Breil

Infinity "Snow" Breil