ABC – 2017 Mothers Day Re-Release of 2016 & 2015 Shells!


Mothers Day is this weekend!

This year for Mothers Day ABC is re-releasing the Mothers Day food shells to brighten up your stalls and barns! A wonderful gift for that special person. They function just as your normal Coastal Hay, Alfalfa and Salt shells that you use currently, just wrapped up in a fancy package.

~ 2016 ABC Mothers Day Shells Only Pack ~

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

This pack contains 1 Coastal Hay, 1 Alfalfa & 1 Salt Mothers Day SHELLS ONLY. You must have food in your ABC Consumables account for these items to work.

~ 2015 ABC Mothers Day Shells Only Pack ~

ABC - Awesome Breed Creations

This pack contains 1 Coastal Hay, 1 Alfalfa & 1 Salt Mothers Day SHELLS ONLY. You must have food in your ABC Consumables account for these items to work.

Come to the ABC Main Shop to purchase these beautiful Mothers Day Shells.

Have a happy and safe Mothers Day!

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Infinity "Snow" Breil

Infinity "Snow" Breil