★·.·´¯`·.·★ ⒶⒷⒸ 2014 Summer Crown Cup ★·.·´¯`·.·★
Top Horses, Top Jockeys, Top Breeding… come share in the excitement and watch history in the making!
Here’s what we have happening this week to celebrate the Crown Cup:
CONCERT/SHOW: Tuesday July 8 @ 7 p.m. SLT
Tuesday, July 8th @ 7 p.m. SLT on the ABC Track: ELYSIUM!!
A little different than your normal concert! You’ll want to see this show. An amazing combination of Cirque de Soleil and cabaret!

Friday, July 11 @ 2 p.m. SLT: Charity Auction with a Twist! Join us Friday, July 11 at 2 p.m. for the Toys for Tots charity. That’s our normal auction time, but we’re asking folks to “Bring Us Your Worst”! That’s right we want nothing but what you consider your worst. We’ll auction it off and ask that the proceeds be donated to charity to help fund the work of the Toys for Tots Charity.
Here’s how the auction will work:
1. Register your horse or pony through the website as you normally would.
2. Notify Acheron Xaris (acherondaniel resident) you have entered a horse or pony for the auction and that that horse or pony is a donation to the charity auction. (Any horse or pony entered which is not for the charity portion of the auction will be auctioned off as we normally would.)
3. Place your horse or pony on the assigned auction pedestal. Friday July 11 is our “No Fee Friday” for the month of July! So no auction stall fees this week. (The Saturday, July 12 10 a.m. SLT auction is canceled for this coming week since that is Crown Cup day.)
4. DECORATE your pedestal! That’s right, decorate your pedestal! All entrants for the charity auction will have 50 prims (that’s 50 prims for horse/pony and decor) to decorate the auction pedestal on which their horse or pony is placed. You can decorate the pedestal anyway you like, but remember our auction theme is “Bring Us Your Worst.” Decoration contest winners will be selected by a three judge panel and announced at the end of the auction. Cut off time for decorating is the start of the auction. Winners will receive free auction stall fees for the rest of the month of July!
And just a word of warning, the auctioneers for the charity auction are: Kazoo, Octavia Loordes, Nahtasha Uriza, and Acheron Xaris. Don’t be surprised if they good naturedly tease about the horse or pony on offer. This is to be a fun, humorous event to help children have a wonderful Christmas! So bring your worst!
Entries need to be given to Acheron Xaris (acherondaniel resident) by 3 p.m. SLT the day of the Crown Cup race. Any member of the ABC community may enter the races; a jockey’s license is not required for the Exhibition Races.
⊰℧⊱Upside-Down Relay Race⊰℧⊱
Yes, we’re doing the upside down race as a relay but there is a twist too it; the horse & rider will have to be upside down!!
Here’s how the upside-down race is to work:
1. Each relay team will be composed of four members, one of whom must be a member of the Racing Authority staff.
2. Any breed of horse may be used in this race. Genetic qualifying level does not matter.
3, Each team is invited to come in fancy dress. Fancy dress can be unique to each individual or the same throughout the team.
4. Each relay team will be given an item the day of the race to pass from rider to rider on each leg of the race.
5. Horse and rider for each leg of the race must be upside down, (This is done by riding the horse and then through “edit” turning the horse upside down.)
6. Each leg of the race is one lap around the track. Each team will pass the relay item (which must be worn and visible to the race judges for the race) to the next rider at the hand-off/finish line. The race continues until all four riders for each team completes the course. The first team to successfully cross the finish line with their relay item worn after all four riders have made their lap around the track wins the race.
⊰℧⊱Dash to the Infield⊰℧⊱
To honor the memory of ValentinoMessi, our amazing race announcer, we are holding a “Dash to the Infield.” (This is a “flat race” — large or small doesn’t matter as we will accept any horse for this race.)
Here’s how it will work:
1. Each rider may be attired in any manner in which they choose except naked.
2. Any breed of horse may be used in this race. Genetic qualifying level does not matter.
3. Each rider shall run the race normally starting from gate B. However, after they cross what is the normal “finish line” on their first trip around the track each rider is to jump the rail and finish the race on the infield.
4. The winner shall be the first rider to jump the rail into the infield, complete the race on the infield, and cross the normal finish line location after completing the remainder of the race on the infield.
⊰℧⊱Draft Horse Only Steeplechase⊰℧⊱
We are holding a steeplechase as part of the fun races for the day but ONLY draft horses may enter — Belgian, Clydesdale, Drum, and Percheron!
1. Each rider shall be attired in any manner in which they choose except naked.
2. Only a Belgian, Clydesdale, Drum, or Percheron may be entered in the race. Genetic qualifying level does not matter.
3. Each rider shall “add” their horse to themselves (do not wear the horse as this will end up with the rider naked! Do not “ride” the horse as you would normally either. In inventory, right click the box icon for the horse and from the drop down menu choose “add.”)
4. Each rider shall run the race as a normal steeplechase with the first horse to cross the finish line as the winner.
Come Celebrate the ABC 2014 Summer Crown Cupツ