ABC Winter Seasons’s Jockey Roast DQ King & Queen Announced

Tonight the Winter Season’s Jockey Roast was held. It is turning into a tradition that everyone from jockey’s to Racetrack Owners to Staff to the Owners are “ROASTED” all in fun…

Everyone jumped in with the theme “Toga Party” and put on their best toga’s for the festivities. Fern did an amazing job at building the event center. The DJ was fantastic…

The culmination was the crowning of the the ABC Winter Season’s Jockey DQ King and Queen… drum roll please..

Aquadoc Resident &
Sparkle Stillwater

All said and done… it was a great time and then off to the races for some more fun at Dixieland Downs Racetrack.

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Infinity "Snow" Breil

Infinity "Snow" Breil