It’s almost the end of another great year and we would like to thank you for sharing your Second Life with us. We have said it hundreds of times, and we meant it, you are all our family. Just like family in real life, we sometimes disagree, we sometimes argue, but we also have fun, we laugh, we cry and often laugh at ourselves for crying. Over the years we have celebrated many significant events together, both Real and Second Life. We’ve enjoyed births, weddings, graduations, and many others. Unfortunately, we have also mourned together. And, at the end of the day, like family, you have each other’s backs like no other group we have seen on this platform or any other. It’s special, unique, and welcoming and we are so very proud to be a part of it. With that being said, we would like to highlight just how awesome you really are with the totals from 2 recent charity events this year…
The first is the Galiceno Pony Set: In October of this year, we sold the Galiceno boxed pony set with half of the profits going to Galicenos of Suwannee Horse Ranch in Florida. You all helped to raise $1300.00 USD for this critically endangered breed!
The second is the Relay for Life Xmas Expo: The Relay for Life Xmas Expo was from December 3rd – 14th. This year’s theme was “giving the gift of hope to children with cancer”. Our fantastic auction house owners, supported by donations from many of our ABC members, hosted nine ABC auctions at the RFL sim. In addition, ABC donated a food shell set, purple unicorn horns, and the One of a Kind (OOAK) Stay Strong 2021 Friesian for auction. The total raised for RFL was just shy of $7000.00 USD, money that is crucial to help children in treatment!
We aren’t kidding when we say, ABCers are the best of the best! We want to thank you for all you do, even when you don’t have to. Whether it be donating lindens, items, or your time to organize and help out in any way you can, you made a difference!! We are proud to call you family!